As you near retirement, you may begin to wonder:
- Do I have enough assets to last for the rest of my life?
- How much risk should I take?
- How do I my turn my retirement savings into a monthly income?
- If something unexpected happens to me, will my family be okay?
- What’s the optimal timing of Social Security payments?
- How can I leave a lasting financial legacy for the people and causes that matter most to me?
- How will I pay for healthcare expenses in retirement?
Our goal is to answer all of your questions and ensure you approach retirement with confidence.
At Great Plains Trust, we understand that your approaching retirement brings many uncertainties. Our goal is to answer all of your questions and ensure you approach retirement with confidence. We help navigate a wide range of challenges to put you in the best possible position to achieve your retirement goals.
As you near your retirement date, we gradually shift your portfolio from accumulation focused to distribution-focused, based on your retirement timeframe, risk tolerance, and specific goals. We then help you establish a steady stream of monthly income to last throughout your lifetime. As part of the retirement planning process, we also help you implement a variety of trust and estate planning strategies to protect your legacy and ensure your loved ones are supported long into the future.

Ready to take the first step?
Schedule a call with one of our experienced professionals.